
Sunday, January 20, 2013

One-stage Surgical Alveolar Augmentation (PAOO) For Rapid Orthodontic Movement

An increasing number of adult patients have  been seeking orthodontic treatment, and a  short treatment time has been a recurring  request. As result a number of surgical  techniques have been developed because the  surgical injury of the cortical bone adjacent  to the area of desired tooth movement has  been reported to initiate biochemical changes leading to rapid tooth movement[1]. Wilcko et al. introduced surgical  orthodontic therapy which included the  innovative strategy of combining  corticotomy surgery with alveolar grafting  in a technique referred to as Accelerated  Osteogenic Orthodontics (AOO) and more  recently to as Periodontally Accelerated  Osteogenic Orthodontics (PAOO)[2-5].  Significant acceleration in orthodontic tooth  movement has been extensively reported  following a combination of selective  alveolar decortication and bone grafting  surgery, with the latter being responsible for  the increased scope of tooth movement and  the long-term improvement of the  periodontium. This conventional  corticotomy approach consists of raising  full-thickness flaps and using a bur to create  cortical incisions. Then an allograft is placed at the sites needing the bone  expansion necessary for proper orthodontic  tooth movement. This intentional injury to the cortical bone results in a modification of  the bone metabolism, leading to a transient  state of osteopenia, described as rapid  acceleratory phenomenon (RAP). RAP was  demonstrated at the alveolar bone level  following corticotomy and would be  responsible for rapid tooth movement.

Case Description
A 24-year-old male was referred to  orthodontic consultation for deep bite and  retro-positioned lower incisors which were  not allowing maintenance of oral hygiene in  the lingual aspect of the lower incisors and  attrition of the lower incisors. He strongly expressed the demand for a rapid  completion of her treatment, citing  professional and personal reasons. His  dental history included regular dental visits  and complete oral prophylaxsis. Extraoral and intraoral examination  The patient showed a symmetrical face and a  normal soft tissue profile with normal  vertical facial height (Figure1). The temporomandibular joints were within  normal limits. The lips were competent at rest with adequate vermillion display. Patient  presented with a class I molar and canine relationship. The incisors presented  with relationship similar to that of seen class  II division 2 relationship. The overjet was  0mm, and the overbite was ~100% of lower  incisor coverage.When smiling, he  exhibited 100% of maxillary incisal display.


The maxillary dental midline was  coincident with the facial midline and  maxillomandibular midlines were  concordant (Figure 2-4).

                      (Figure 2)                                 (Figure 3)                                       (Figure 4) 

The maxillary and mandibular arch forms  were U-shaped maxillary arch had 3mm of  crowding while mandibular arch presented  6 mm of crowding with few rotated teeth   (Figure 5).

(Figure 5)

The curve of Spee was 3 mm, and the  periodontium was healthy.   From a skeletal standpoint, he had a class I  pattern with normal lengths maxilla and  mandible, a hypodivergent mandible,  reduced lower anterior facial height and  retroclined upper and lower incisors.

Treatment Objectives
The goal of the treatment was to resolve the  crowding in both arches, open the bite, to  correct the incisor relations and maintain  class I dental relationship that would be  pleasing to the patient and decrease treatment duration. The patient was offered  the conventional orthodontic treatment as  well as an innovative treatment combining  comprehensive orthodontic care with  periodontal surgery (PAOO) to accelerate  tooth movement. In this procedure, a bone  graft was also planned in the area where  expansion was needed to expand the bony  envelop in the direction of tooth movement  and increase periodontal support to improve  long-term stability in areas where relapse  commonly occurs following orthodontic  expansion. Because the patient sought a  short treatment time, the orthodontic  treatment coupled with PAOO was chosen.

Surgical Technique
The fixed orthodontic appliance (Gemini 22  slot brackets, MBT prescription, 3M) was  placed with standard technique onto the  upper arch only, consisting of second  premolar to second premolar brackets and  bands with buccal tubes on 1st molars.  Alignment and leveling was initiated with  round NiTi wires. The surgery was  performed 2 week following placement of  the fixed orthodontic appliance. On the day of surgery, orthodontic archwire  was removed and patient was asked to  perform mouth-brushing. 2grams of  amoxicillin was taken by the patient 30  minutes prior to the surgery. On the dental  chair chlorhexidine mouthwash was  performed by the patient. After local  anesthesia, full thickness buccal flap was  raised from mesial of 15 to mesial of 25 with  crevicular incisons maintaining the  interdental papillae. Vertical release  incisions were performed inter-proximally  between 14-15 & 24-25 (Figure 6).

 (Figure 6)

Bony prominences on the canine roots were  leveled with help of straight diamond burrs.  Corticotomy was done on the exposed bone  surface with help of round diamond burrs  mounted on a reduction mircomotor handpiece under copious amount of irrigation  (Figure 7). Flaps were positioned and sutured with silk 
sutures (Figure 8).

 (Figure 7)

(Figure 8)

Orthodontic archwire was secured back into  the brackets. Patient was instructed to apply local cold  fomentation intermittently for first 12 hours  after the surgery.  He was also instructed to  only take cold diet for 24 hours. Amoxicillin  coverage was to continue for 3 more days.  Rigorous brushing in the area of surgery was  advised against for the 1st week. Check up  was scheduled for the next day.

Treatment Progress 
The patient reported using only two tablets  of the NSAID after surgery. No swelling,  bruising, or severe discomfort was  associated with this procedure. The patient  could resume oral physiotherapy 24 hours  after the surgery. The periodontal healing  was optimum with minimal to no scarring at  2 weeks.  During the first 6 to 10 weeks of orthodontic  treatment, the maxillary arch was fully  leveled and aligned using increasing size of  nickel titanium alloy wires (0.014, 0.016,  0.018, 0.016 x 0.022). Bite opening and arch  expansion was achieved with reverse curved  stainless steel wire and stoppard steel wire. In the following six weeks  adequate  maxillary arch expansion and bite opening  was achieved so as to allow the bonding of  the mandibular arch. 2 weeks following the  bonding of the mandibular arch corticotomy  surgery was planned and executed in a  manner similar to that of the maxillary arch.  The only differences was that the  mandibular archwire was not removed from  the bracket as there ease of excess to the  anterior alveolus (Figure9-12)

  (Figure 9)               (Figure 10)                 (Figure 11)                 (Figure 12)

During the course of treatment (figure 13),
(figure 13)

a sharp increase in tooth mobility was  observed, resulting from the transient  osteopenia induced by the surgery. Also  important to emphasize is that higher forces  are applied to the teeth as compared with  conventional orthodontic treatment to  maintain mechanical stimulation of the  alveolar bone and the osteopenic state,  allowing for rapid treatment.

Treatment Results
After 26 weeks of active treatment,  sequential de-bonding was performed. The  brackets on the premolars were removed to  allow them settle into occlusion. 4 weeks  later complete appliance was removed and a  fixed lingual retainer was inserted from  premolar to premolar on both arches. To  maintain the bite,   circumferential retainer  with anterior bite plane was given to the  patient to be worn 24 hours (figure 14-17).

 (figure 14)                                      (figure 15)                                           (figure 16)

(figure 17)

PAOO is an innovative, technique to achieve  rapid orthodontic tooth movement. This  novel technique also allows the possibility  for hard- and/or soft-tissue augmentation,  leading to an enhanced periodontium and an 
increased scope of tooth movement. PAOO  proves to be efficient from both the patients'  and clinicians' standpoints and offers the  advantages that should lead to greater  acceptance in the dental community.


1. Bogoch E, Gschwend N, Rahn B, et al.  
Healing of cancellous bone osteotomy in 
rabbits-part I: regulation of bone volume 
and the regional acceleratory 
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2. Wilcko, M.T., Wilko, W.M., Bissada, 
N.F., 2008. An evidence-based analysis 
of periodontally accelerated orthodontic 
and osteogenic techniques: a synthesis 
of scientific perspective. Seminars 
Orthod. 14: 305-316.
3. Wilcko, M.W., Ferguson, OJ" Bouquot. 
J.E., Wilcko, M.T., 2003. Rapid 
orthodontic decrowding with alveolar 
augmentation: case report. World J. 
Orthod. 4. 197-205.
4. Wilcko, W.M., Wilcko, M.T., Bouquot. 
J.E., Ferguson, OJ., 2000. Accelerated 
orthodontics with alveolar reshaping. J. 
Ortho. Practice 10, 63-70.
5. Wilcko, W.M., Wilcko, T., Bouquot, J.E., 
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with alveolar reshaping: two case 
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