
Monday, January 21, 2013

Treatment of Maxillary Lateral Incisor Agenesis with Zirconia-Based All-Ceramic Resin-Bonded Fixed Partial Dentures

A 14-year-old female patient presented  to the University of Pennsylvania Faculty  Practice with congenitally missing maxillary lateral incisors. She was nearing  completion of a 5-year orthodontic  treatment phase that included palatal  expansion and she was seeking consultation for subsequent prosthetic  treatment of the edentulous lateral incisor areas. Her medical history was  unremarkable, and her dental history  included orthodontic treatment, routine  recall visits, minor operative dentistry,  and sealants on permanent molars. A  comprehensive examination was conducted, including radiographic (Fig 1)  and dental examinations, periodontal  probing, and temporomandibular evaluation. Preliminary study casts were  mounted in an articulator.

(Fig 1)

Diagnosis and treatment planning
Extraoral findings were normal, and intraoral and radiographic findings revealed no caries lesions. All soft tissues  
were normal and healthy. The anterior  
teeth had a shade of A3 (VITA Shade  
guide, Vident). Mild-to-moderate enamel hypoplasia was noted throughout the  
dentition. The maxillary canines had  
markedly pointed cusps, and mamelons were present on the mandibular lateral incisors. The patient was unhappy  
with both the shade of her teeth and the  
mandibular mamelons but did not want  
any changes to the characteristic hypoplastic markings, other tooth morphology, or position and angulations of her  
natural teeth. The edentulous alveolar  
ridges were mildly deficient in the orofacial dimension. Denture teeth were fixed  
to the orthodontic archwire to occupy  
the missing lateral incisor spaces. The  
patient had a Class I skeletal relationship with bilateral Class I molar relationships and canine guidance.  
All other findings were normal. The  
dentofacial diagnosis was good. Anterior spacing was adequate for restorative  
replacement. The periodontal diagnosis  
was type I according to American 
Academy of Periodontology criteria.  The biomechanical diagnosis showed  no compromised areas. The functional  diagnosis was normal, consistent with  the current degree of tooth eruption.  
The prognosis for this dentition and  
for patient compliance was good. All  
treatment options were discussed with  
the patient and her parents. Dental implants were not recommended at that  
time due to the patient’s incomplete  
growth. The treatment goals were as  
follows: (1) provide minimally invasive,  
prosthetic replacement of the missing  
lateral incisors; (2) meet the patient’s  
and parents’ esthetic expectations;  
and  (3) achieve stable occlusion.  
The definitive treatment plan included  
tooth bleaching and zirconia-based  
CRBFPDs, which would allow for implant placement at a later time.

Clinical treatment 
The patient returned 3 months later  
following the completion of orthodontic treatment. A Hawley-type retainer32 
with denture teeth for the edentulous  
spaces had already been fabricated.  
New diagnostic casts were made  
and mounted in an articulator for occlusal analysis, preparation planning,  
and framework design. Bleaching  
trays were fabricated on a second set  
of diagnostic casts. The patient followed an at-home bleaching protocol  
(Opalescence PF 10%, Ultradent) and  
was advised to bleach one arch at a  
time, nightly, for 1 week per arch. Shade  
B1 was selected at the postbleaching  
follow-up appointment. Figures 2 and  
3 show the preoperative situation with  
the retainer in place. Due to the occlusal scheme and canine guidance,  
the central incisors were selected as  
abutment teeth for the single retainers.  
Figures 4 and 5 show the preoperative  
intraoral situation without the retainer in  
place. During the preparation appointment, a 0.6-mm reduction of the lingual  
surfaces of the maxillary central incisors was carried out using a tapered  
chamfer diamond bur (no. 856-016,  
Brasseler). A slight interproximal elbow  
preparation was completed to counter  
dislodging forces and increase frame 
work connector strength. Finally, a small  
indentation was placed in the center  
of the lingual fossa preparation to facilitate exact three-dimensional seating  
of the framework (Fig 6).

                           ( figure 2)                                                                (figure 3)
                           ( figure 4)                                                                (figure 5)

 (figure 6)

Final impressions were made using a vinyl polysiloxane (VPS) putty in a full-arch stock  
impression tray and a light-body wash  
material syringed onto the prepared  
teeth (Aquasil Easy Mix putty, Aquasil  
Ultra LV). An opposing cast impression  
was also made with VPS putty, and interocclusal records were taken using  
Regisil 2X (Dentsply).  
Master casts and opposing casts  
were fabricated in the dental laboratory, mounted, and scanned. The frameworks were designed on the computer  
(Figs 7 and 8) and milled from zirconia  
ceramic. A small, extra wing was fabricated on each framework to facilitate  
correct placement during try-in (Fig 9).  
These wings would later be removed.  
The frameworks were designed to provide optimal support for the veneering  
porcelain (Fig 10). 

                           ( figure 7)                                                                (figure 8)
                           ( figure 9                                                                (figure 10)

A try-in visit was scheduled to verify  
the path of draw, fit, and margins of the  
frameworks. Three-dimensional seating of the wings was confirmed, assisted by the small indentations prepared  
in the lingual fossa areas. The final  
shade was selected. In the laboratory,  
master casts were slightly trimmed in 
the edentulous ridge areas to accommodate ovate pontics and optimize the  
soft tissue architecture and esthetics.  
External layers of feldspathic veneering porcelain were fired onto the frameworks, matching the characteristics of  
the adjacent natural teeth (eg, enamel  
hypoplasia and stains) (Fig 11). The  
definitive restorations can be seen in  
Fig 12. 

                           ( figure 11)                                                                (figure 12)

The definitive CRBFPDs were tried  
in to verify the fit, pontic relief, and esthetics. A small lateral incision (approximately 3 mm wide and 1.5 mm deep)  
was placed in the alveolar crest area  
of the maxillary lateral incisors with an  
electrosurgical unit to decrease tension  
of the soft tissue and allow for intimate  
seating of the ovate pontic. The intaglio surfaces of  the frameworks were  
then cleaned in an ultrasonic bath with  
alcohol. The bonding surfaces of the  
retainer wings were airborne-particle  
abraded with 30-μm aluminum oxide  
particles at a pressure of 1.5 bar for  
5 seconds at a distance of 1 cm. Care  
was taken to protect the feldspathic  
veneering porcelain during this procedure. Next, Clearfil Ceramic Primer  
(Kuraray) was applied in a thin layer
(Fig 13) and left to air dry. The adherent  
surfaces of the maxillary central incisors  
were cleaned with pumice and rinsed.  
The area was isolated and prepared for  
final cementation with Panavia 21 TC  
(Kuraray). For better control, the two  
FPDs were bonded independently, one  
after the other. The enamel bonding surfaces were acid etched with 40% phosphoric acid (K-Etchant gel, Kuraray) for  
30 seconds. After thorough rinsing and  
drying, self-etching ED Primer (Kuraray)  
was applied and lightly dried. Each  
restoration was placed in position, and  
excess cement was removed from the  
margins with microbrushes. Oxyguard II  
(Kuraray) was applied onto the marginal areas and sprayed off after complete  
polymerization of the composite resin  
luting agent.

 (figure 13)

Any excess cement still remaining  
was removed with an explorer and a  
sharp scaler. Occlusion was confirmed  
in maximum intercuspation, protrusion,  
and lateral excursions. Proper management of the occlusion of the pontic is crucial for the long-term success  
of cantilever prostheses. If eccentric  
contact remains on the pontic, the  
potential risks include loosening of  
the restoration, migration of the abutment, and fracture.33,34 
Therefore, all 
contacts in protrusive and excursive  
movements were removed from the  
cantilever. Any adjusted ceramic surfaces were polished (Dialite Polishing  
Kit, Brasseler). Mamelons on the mandibular lateral incisors were smoothed  
flat using polishing disks (Super Snap,  
Shofu). Alginate impressions were  
made from each arch, and an occlusal  
guard was fabricated for the patient 
to wear at night. All esthetic and functional parameters were verified during  
the subsequent follow-up visits, which  
were initially scheduled at 1 week,  
4 weeks, 8 weeks, and 6 months and  
then at 6-month intervals thereafter. 

Zirconia-based cantilever resin-bonded  
fixed partial dentures provide a viable  
treatment option for missing lateral incisors in select cases. These restorations  
are cost effective and require few treatment steps. Specific design and clinical handling protocols must be followed  
to achieve long-term clinical success.  
Further clinical trials are necessary to  
confirm the already promising results  
of these restorations.


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